
Rave and Rant about Dub-Dew-Oh-Ahrrell-Kay

It's supposed to be the weekly seminar now, but here i am, sitting in ''my'' office. While i'm at my dedicated space, in this lonesome mood, i start to wonder how long more can i continue what i'm doing now. 6 more months? 1 year? or 2? Well. I wished god gave me a clue on this.

I told myself i don't wanna be affected by work. And i want to be back to my old self where i am always happy and free of worries, just like a lil' school girl who just bought herself a pack of sweets on her way back home.

I'm being bogged down with work. Slogging my ass off for this thing, mentally torturing.
So what is it that i'm supposed to do at my work? What's my job scope? What's within my concern and what's not? Who should i report to? What should be done when something's supposed to be done? What do they want? The list goes on......................

Imagine this scenario:
You were tasked to do a drawing for an art competition. Upon handing up the drawing to your teacher (who will be submitting in on your behalf), he asked if you had taken reference from the drawing of your senior who participated in the event last year. All these after you've cracked your tiny brain for inspirations after inspirations.
Then, slowly, he took out the drawing to show you. "This is what was drawn previously" ( more like telling you "this's MY expectation").

- I dont' know what your reaction would be, but i swear i would have swore a whole collection of vulgarities from A-Z, Hokkien to Hainan, Mandrin to kung bushmen's 'clucking-of-tongues' PLUS handsigns that even the blind will be able to SEE it. -

Imagine another scenario:
Your boss ask you to get him a burger from McDonalds'. You went, and came back with it. Grining from ear to ear, with that world's-best-tasting-burger-SMILE on your face when you passed it to your boss. And then he asked you, "Where's my fries and coke?". You stared back blankly at his disappointed face. "It's time you should start thinking you know."

- Okay, now, this is what i call it 'the time of the day'. Who would have fucking known that you wanted a MEAL and not just a BURGER? It's not like i'm doing this 'air-fing' chore every single day you know? -

Now, this time, it's really getting on my nerves.

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