
Today's Day 2

Day 2 @ AXA

Things are great at work.

So much miscellaneous stuff to do.
I'm still drilling on my products well just so i can serve my clients better. Prodt test is nxt week, but my closing for this month is on 24th.

Sigh, Dunno if i'll be in time to complete my 3-joint-fieldwork.

I'd prob need some miracles here. And ironically, the names (which i think will support me for 3 joint-fieldwork) that i wrote down, other than Diana, non are my super-lub-tgt-verylong buddy.

Anyhow, still hope i can receive support from them in ''time-to-come''.
David, is the nxt guy whom i think will readily be supporting me. And i really pin hope on him for his support. It's education time. Yea.

All i've been doing during Uni times, there're all put to used in this career. The investments that i monitored & still monitoring, how things work for the UTs. the blah and blah. They really helped me in my modular studies as well as grasping ideas quickly.

I like this people-related job alot, cus it's all about building relationships and meeting new ppl. I am excited, what's up next?


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